Leonardo Da Vinci a Memory of His Childhood
Category: Books,Biographies & Memoirs,Arts & Literature
Leonardo Da Vinci a Memory of His Childhood Details
This book provides many hard-to-believe findings about the impacts of first years of childhood on personal development of Leonardo da Vinci. Unlike other biographers who usually place great emphasis on artistic and scientific achievements of this maestro, Freud applied psycho-analytic approach to the demystification of sexual appetites of Leonardo da Vinci and how his childhood experience could have an influence on his masterpieces.In this book, the theoretical premise of Freud's psycho-analysis is that personal development of human beings is hinged on the necessities of the constitution and the importance chances of the childhood. Believe it or not, Freud maintained that the childhood memory of da Vinci (vulture with a tail to open his mouth), the unfailing and close relationship with his biological mother Caterina, and the estrangement between him and his father and stepmother Albiera enormously affected his emotional tendency toward homosexual (most of his disciples were beautiful boys instead of talented painters). Freud further reconstructed the correlation between da Vinci's painting styles (smiling women on long curved lips in Mona Lisa and Saint Anne and the Other Two) and incessant love for his biological mother. What might intrigue readers is that, through the application of Freud's infantile sexual theory, da Vinci's commitment to his life in art and science was an attestment of sexual repression and inhibition primarily due to his tender seductions of his biological mother.This book presents readers with what is an ideal and talented maestro by penetrating the most fascinating secrets and motive forces of da Vinci's mind. Freud had staked out the limits what psycho-analysis could unfold in the field of biography. Some of Freud's findings might hardly be persuasive to reconstruct the personality of da Vinci but this book is still relevant to readers who are interested in psycho-analysis, art appreciation, and biographical writings.